Tuesday, June 30, 2020

I Believe President Trump Will Do It Again

I'm just an old country girl.
I like my old man and wine and pearls.
I'm still an old country girl that believes in her old red, white and blue flag.
Every time I see that old flag wave it reminds me of the cost of freedom for this old girl.
I've heard and seen many of my relatives and friends that were sent off for wars, where they proudly carried this old flag.
This old flag may not mean a darn thing to you, but it reminds me of those that stayed behind and those that returned carrying this old red, white and blue flag.
In my lifetime this old flag has seen many wars Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Iraqi War, Afghanistan, Syria, This old flag always found its way back home into the heart of this old girl.
There was never prejudice in carrying this old flag.
And because of this old flag, I voted for  Donald Trump in 2016 and I'll do it again in 2020 because that's what us old country girls do if we like it, we do it again! And I have faith President Trump will make America Great Again! And I believe unlike other presidents he'll never leave a soldier left behind without the men and women carrying this old flag.

P. Kelley

Monday, June 29, 2020

Summer Is Getting Hotter

This summer breeze has never been so hot.
It seems everyone's in a tight knot.
There seems to be a question of what the rioting street children have been taught?
Is there no value to toppled statues or not?
It leaves many minds to wander and ponder, were we wrong in making statues of men or not?
And can even a Republican President Lincoln that took a bullet in the head for the emancipation of 4 million slaves, survive a summer of hate or not?
Since we've also already forgotten the 750,000 men that died during the Civil War, not including the civilians per a poet's thought.
Not to mention, Mount Rushmore where granite sculptured statues of four previous United States presidents will survive the new targeted hot temperament or not?

P. Kelley

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Summer of Love Turns Into Summer of Hate

Summer of love turns into summer of hate.
And we see some of our young taking the bait.
Can you feel the weight?
The onlookers around the world look at us and wonder if we were all kidnapped by a pirate.
That took us back into another place in time, or are we seeing a state of a lost programmed mind?
Regardless, I just want to turn everything off and sip on a glass of wine and rewind and forget all the hate and pray and meditate.

P. Kelley

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Ireland and the Slave Trade

1643 Virginia Law on slavery
And the established terms of servitude for servants brought into the colony without indentures.
For the ages, 29 must serve 4 years.
For the ages, 12-20 must serve 5 years.
For the ages, 12 and under must serve 7 years.
1654 Maryland carried a similar law.
1655 Virginia Law amended.
Irish to serve longer than the English.
For the ages, 16 must serve 6 years.
For the ages, 16 and under, must serve until you reach the age of 24.
1659 the English Law authorizes kidnapping
It may be unlawful for two or more justices of the peace within any country, city, or town corporate belonging to this commonwealth to from time to time by warrant.  Cause to be apprehended, seized on, and detained all and every person or persons that shall be found begging and vagrant.  In any town, parish or place to be conveyed into the port of London, or unto any other port from where such person or persons may be shipped into any foreign country, colonies, or plantation.  This was the English's way of turning kidnapping into slavery.

British History
Sept. 6, 1653
Order of the Council of State. Upon petition of David Selleck, of Boston, New England, merchant, for a license for the Good Fellow, of Boston, Geo. Dalle, master, and Providence, of London, Thos. Swanley, master, to pass to New England and Virginia, where they intend to carry 400 Irish children, directing a warrant be granted, provided security is given to sail to Ireland, and within two months, to take in 400 Irish children, and transport them to those plantations.

Oct. 3 
Orders of the Council of State. Directing Commissioners of the Admiralty to provide the particulars, according to an appended list, for the use of the officers and people at Jamaica; and that for advice boats be built to go there in the most expeditious manner, 1000 Irish girls, and the like number of youths, of 14 years or under, to be sent to Jamaica; the allowance to each not to exceed 20s, to be considered by the Committee for Jamaica. 150/. a year to be settled upon Elizabeth, widow of Major General Hayne slain in the late expedition to America.  Petition of John Jeffrey of London, merchant, on behalf of Col. Richard Lee, of Virginia, and Colonel Lee's affidavit concerning the seizure of a quantity of his plate to be referred to Commissioners of Customs.

Slaves were taxable
90% of the children in the 1600's were White
1701-1710 45% of Slaves White
52% African
1711-1720  33% Slaves White
67% Slaves African and Native American Indian Children

P/ Kelley

Britain's Large Tentacles In Slavery

Great Britain used slaves in all forms of manufacturing.
Slaves were used in ship manufacturing.
Slaves were used in metal manufacturing.
Slaves were used for mining.
Slaves were used for digging
Slaves were used for cooking.
Slaves were used in woodwork and home manufacturing.
Slaves were used in toy manufacturing.
Slaves were used for sugar refining and manufacturing.
Slaves were used for textile manufacturing.
Slaves were used in all manufacturing.
It was how Great Britain became so rich, they paid for no labor in manufacturing.
All their 100,000s of slaves were used in manufacturing.
Britain companies had no overhead cost in manufacturing.
They saved millions, if not billions in manufacturing.
The Britain Crown Monarch owes a lot to the lives taken and their sweat, and blood that was poured into forced labor manufacturing.
It's no wonder that Britain's Crown Monarch became so rich and wealthy when they were using slaves for all their manufacturing.
And women and children for trafficking. And their personal banks for money laundering. 

P. Kelley

Slavery Sweetened the British Tea

The slave owners of Great Britain built huge homes.
They became rich from the slave trade business from the humans they stripped from their native homes.
They stole and took women, men, and children with strong bones from their homes.
It was to sweeten the tea from the sugar grown in the West Indies to the British Royals in the comfort of their mansions and homes.
While the overworked and thirsty slaves had nowhere to call home.
It's a part of history that the British Crown Monarch doesn't want brought home.
While many today are still suffering by the British Crown Monarch from taking them from their native homes.
We must never forget this part in history that was brought home.
oh, we can say to the forced slaves snatched from their homes to work on European owned plantations, forget history and now be apart of my home.
But we can never forget the women and children and those that died from being overworked and sold on the London Royal Exchange like sheep to sweeten the British tea in British homes.
Nor a queen that has no respect for German and Irish and African children taken from their parents' home.
Will Great Britain ever realize the price of sugar that was paid to be kept in their homes?
While they left the white German and Irish and African children with no laughter in their homes.

P. Kelley

Monday, June 22, 2020

The British Crown Monarch Started The Slave Trade Business to America

Queen Elizabeth 1st ordered Sir John Hawkins in 1652 to begin the slave trade business joined by his cousin Sir Francis Drake. They traveled to Africa to start in the slave trade business. The 13 colonies which became America were forced by the British Crown Monarch and the Crown Agents to accept slaves for their personally owned European plantations. They were given no choice. Even if they felt it was evil and morally wrong. The British Crown Monarch was too strong. On Monday, December 10, 1770.  King George 111 wrote a command to the governor of Virginia: Upon pain of the highest displeasure, to assent to no law by which the importation of slaves should be in any respect prohibited or obstructed. King George 111.

Many of the captured slaves would try to commit suicide on their voyage. 

The British Crown Monarch sent slaves on ships to work on tobacco, rice, and sugar plantations. They were sent to the known 13 colonies and as far as to  Barbados, Bahamas, Jamaica to the West Indies. The British Crown Monarch took over the Tobacco plantations. They took over the most profitable businesses in America and around the world.

The British Royal Navy and Crown Agents managed the slave trade business for centuries.  The British met the slave workforce for the upper crest and their prestigious peer groups. The British Crown Monarch became very rich from the profitable slave trade business. The British Crown Monarch made millions if not billions in the slave trade business. The British Monarch Crown was involved in money laundering. To this day the British Crown Monarch has a lot of blood on their hands. 

Their objective was to depopulate the impoverished overpopulated country of Africa. They felt like they were helping humanity. It was their solution to overpopulation.

The British Crown became very well known to their upper crest in the slave-trading business specializing in strong Irishmen from Ireland and blacks that could take the strong heat working for long hard hours on plantations in the south and Barbados and around the world.

The British Crown Monarch controlled the plantations around the world.  They controlled the channels of slavery and the plantations filled with forced labor around the world.

Everyone became slaves to the rich and powerful British Crown Monarch that showed no empathy to their forced beaten labor.

The Royal Navy for centuries enforced the slave trade business. They were the biggest traders with the biggest ships. And they're ships were packed so tight where no one could turn. They overpacked their ships because many slaves would die on the voyage to their new hellish destiny. The Royal Navy ships were filled with a cargo of brass, cotton, gin, and muskets for additional bargaining and trading power.

The British Crown Monarch was all about power. And the slave trade business allowed the British Crown Monarch to grow stronger in other businesses as well.

The Barclays Bank founded by Alexander and David Barclay who were among the 84 in the slave trade business operating in the West Indies.The Bank of England. Some slaves were sold on the London Royal Exchange many of them being small children.

We should never forget how the British Crown Monarch increased their riches by trading and selling humans for profit to enrich their dynasty pockets. We shall never forget those that were shipped and sold for the royals deposit.

If you were born with the heritage of British, German, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, and African American. Your ancestral descendants may have been a slave at one time to the Royal family.

The question remains has America really broken free from the Royal family?

German Quakers from Germantown signed a petition against slavery in 1688.

There were several other petitions written against slavery.


P. Kelley

Slavery wasn't Treated Equally

The main discrimination that set the world apart from slaves was that slave owners saw their slaves as inferior.
The slave owner felt superior.
Because many of the slaves that came to America came from a background of criminals or homelessness or indebtedness.
Many came with contracts that owed a debt for their passageways to America. 
And many African tribes sold slaves for indebtedness.
Some slaves came from emperors.
They came indentured with a jagged-edged contract to America.
There was an understanding with many of them if their passageways to the New America were paid, they would be indebted to their slave owner for a certain number of years.
They were torn apart from family and peers.
They signed an agreement to work until their debts were paid in full.
Some worked in the hot tobacco fields and some worked to pick cotton for wool.
Some of them were sent to factories for the manufacturing of weapons for war.
Some of them were indentured for 3 to 11 years. Some worked longer years scared of starvation. Never reaching the year to emancipation.
There were many trials for the new slaves to face, from being overworked to catching sickness and diseases and wild American Indians. Not to mention, the rough waters to get to America. A lot of slaves died on hot overcrowded ships filled with diseases never reaching the shores to America.
There were some black Nigerians and white slaves killed or taken and bred with American Indians.
There were some Christian slave owners that looked at it with a gentlemen's agreement and taught their slaves and treated them as an equal heir by giving them a piece of land. Not every slave owner treated their slaves the same. Just like some parents don't treat their children the same.
There were some brutal slave owners. Sir Thomas Smythe controlled Virginia from England. He set white slavery in motion. The Quaker William Penn in Pennsylvania helped make white slavery widespread. Mary of Modena sold white prisoners as slaves to the colonies. Queen Anne from London would convince Germans to come to America and she would sell their children behind their backs. The children would come to America meeting a new villain to be left to pick cotton or flax. Many children died never reaching adulthood, never having a childhood. Children became the biggest commodity because they could work the most years. But it was the blacks that could weather the hot years.

P. Kelley

The First Slaves In History

I think we need to open our eyes' and hearts' and remember the first slaves in history were the Israelites.
The Romans oppressed and enslaved the Israelites.
The Romans beat and chained the Israelites.
And then, it was the Philistines now, the modern-day Palestinians that enslaved the Israelites.
Then it was the Muslims enslaving the Christians.
Then it was the rich enslaving the poor,
It is said, underneath all soil stands a weed.
We need to remember that America is not the first seed to the weed of slavery nor are we the last weed to feed greed.
America is a country of many immigrants and beliefs, we need to make sure that the seed of slavery never finds a fertile place to grow on American soil that leaves unrest and toil.
We need to be ready to protect the youngest and most vulnerable to the weeds of slavery in America and around the world.
We've seen the scars of a broken world.
We need to make sure all slaves of human trafficking and Christian slaves in Libya sold by Black Muslims and around the world are set free.
Only then can we have true peace!
We will not have peace until the spirit of slavery is finally broken and put to rest.
When a man is no longer a slave to sin.

P. Kelley

America's First President was the First President to Give Emancipation to Slaves

America's first President George Washington was a slave owner.
At the early age of eleven, he inherited and became a slave owner.
I don't see any records of where he was an abusive owner.
Matter of fact, the older slaves he had at Mount Vernon, he made sure they were taken care of financially as a slave owner.
It was also recorded there were many sports and games played at Mount Vernon with other slave owners.
George Washington struggled as a slave owner.
He wrote on his deathbed a new Will that after the death of his wife Martha that all his slaves be given emancipation. 
But it was at the beginning of a new year after President George Washington's death that Martha Washington reached a final decision, not to wait any longer and to move ahead and give his slaves' emancipation.  President George Washington's slaves were given emancipation on January 1, 1801.
President George Washington could now rest in peace that his slaves were free.

P. Kelley

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Slave Trade Then and Now

America became the dumping ground for Great Britain.
They swept their streets of the Irish, Germans, and foreign immigrants sending the homeless and impoverished to America.
They sent women and children and orphans and shipped them off to fend for themselves to America.
They emptied their prisons and cells of thousands with diseases and sickness and sent them to America.
They came penniless with no money in their pockets to America.
Many of them became white slaves in America.
They were forced to work on farms and plantations and even factories in America.
Some orphan children were forced into factories to work sixteen-hour days without a break in America.
Britain flooded American streets with displaced immigrants to America.
The Atlantic slave trade from Ghana West Africa to North-East Africa brought in more slaves to America.
You had Africa in the slave trade business, selling their own people for unpaid debts or to enrich their tribes sending them all to America.
You had the Black Muslims in Africa selling Black Christians into slavery sent to America.
There were pirates in the slave trade business sending slaves of white and black to America.
As much as it is like today, but now it's called human trafficking around the world and in America. 
Unfortunately, the slave trade business is still active today in North-East Africa where Black Muslims are selling and trading Black Christians as a self-worthless vessel. And you have the Arab slave trade going on between the two of them. And China buying Christians for organ transplants. We have children around the world bought and sold for pedophilia.
We can only end slave trading if we all work together to break the evil system.

P. Kelley

Thursday, June 18, 2020

America was Birthed from Great Britain

America was birthed from the Lion of Great Britain.
America's the whelp of Britain.
And like a wandering adventurous cub, Britain chased and hunted rebellious Americans. 
Britain wanted to make money off of Americans.
Britain overtaxed Americans until Americans became poor and couldn't thrive.
Britain wanted complete control of all the indigent people they called in America.
Britain would scheme and connive.
The 13 colonies came together and said, enough is enough, we need to break free of Britain.
But Britain, even after they lost the Revolutionary War.
Began to send their worst criminals and outlaws and prostitutes and orphans off their overfilled streets to America's open shores.
They thought if they sent the worst people to America, Americans would eventually die off.
But some of the outlaws converted and rebuilt their lives by marrying and taking wives.
The prostitutes found husbands and became wives.
The orphans found jobs or homes and became a part of America.  
America eventually cutoff Great Britain.

P. Kelley

America Let's not forget The First Signer of the Declaration of Independence John Hancock

America let's not forget our Signers of the Declaration of Independence
The First Signer, John Hancock

John Hancock came from a poor family.
when he was in his youth he left his family.
and went to live with a rich uncle but he never forgot about his family.
The separation brought him agony.
John was able to graduate from college which led him to be secure financially.
Samuel Adams was able to recruit John Hancock to the new patriotic family. They were called the Liberty Party.
John Hancock put together the Minutemen, they were called that because they were known to be able to get ready in 60 seconds to defend their patriotic party.
John Hancock's ship named the Liberty was seized by the British.
John went on to give a speech that the 13 colonies should form an independent nation called the United States of America to free themselves of high taxation from Britain.
The British were high taxing everything including tea.
The 13 colonies wanted to be free. 
The British came after John because of his rebellion towards the British.
But Paul Revere came riding in with a stern warning, saying, "the British are coming." 
They were mainly coming after Samuel Adams and him. But, John refused to leave, he insisted that he wanted to fight with his Minutemen that he put together to defend the Liberty Party.
The Minutemen fought the Battle of Lexington on the village green, it was the start of the Revolutionary War.
John Hancock went on to be the President of Congress.
He became popular with the people. He was the first person to sign boldly, the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
In 1780 he was elected the first state governor of Massachusetts. He served for 11 years. He was still serving as governor when he died.
During his lifetime he married once to Dolly Quincy. He fathered two children, but they both died in their childhood. He died at the age of 56 years-old. It was told that John Hancock in his lifetime made many sacrifices financially for the Liberty Party. He became the money that funded the Liberty Party. They wrote the letters but he paid for the stamps.

P. Kelley

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

America let's not forget our Signers of the Declaration of Independence: Samuel Adams


America let's not forget our Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Starting with Samuel Adams

There was Samuel Adams he was born in Boston, he became a one-man revolution.
He was seeing a heartfelt solution.
While Britain was sending their worst of the worst criminals to America demanding citizens lay down their guns and surrender to Britain.
Samuel Adams worked at a bank but lost his job because he was politically outspoken.
He became poor but never broken.
He would've starved had it not been for the merchant John Hancock whose mind was open.
Samuel Adams was the biggest critic of Britain.
He would sit for hours writing thousands of letters criticizing Britain.
He organized and took part in the recruiting that sparked the greatest revolution.
He organized Boston's Sons of Liberty, a group that protested and destroyed the property of Britain.
The British had a special name for Samuel Adams, they called him the Grand Incendiary, meaning someone that stirs up trouble.
But the many people he listened to that told and shared their broken stories called him the Father of the Revolution.
He later served as governor for the new state of Massachusetts, his deeds live on to this day to never be forgotten.

 P. Kelley

Stop Deleting My Publications

Censorship in America.
There's a continuing deletion of my pictures and publications.
I don't understand what's happening in America.
We're supposed to be free in America.
They're breaking laws and breaking the US Constitution in America.
Stop deleting my publications.
Or, I'll file a class-action suit in America to protect my freedom of speech and publications.
I had a website, iheartamerica.me with over 50,000  visits and thousands of followers for all my conservative publications.
They deleted all of my pictures and past publications.
I purchased a website with a domain in good faith for all my publications.
At first, I was told it was free.
And then, they locked me out.
And then, they took my email address from me that I purchased for my publications.
And then, they deleted all my pictures of our military and President Trump with all of my publications.
I had to start all over again with the same name for all of my publications.
This shouldn't be happening in America. 

P. Kelley

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Silent War Against Humanity

This silent war going on is against humanity.
And the people being fought against having complete insanity.
It's so horrific.
I can't even imagine what these poor broken vulnerable children go through to break their sanity.
Some of these children born and raised by their own occult handlers.
They're born to be sold and harvested like animals, it's against all humanity.
It's complete insanity!
And forgive me if I think words of profanity.
But I lose it when I think of all this perverse insanity.
I can't imagine a baby being born and raised to be slaughtered and dissected like an animal, it's against all humanity.
My heart is broken for all the bestiality and inhumanity.
And the saddest thing is, it was in front of our eyes the whole time on the big screens and we were entertained by the bestiality displayed in Hollywood that has become our new reality. 
I want to personally say, "Thank you to our real warriors on the ground and digitally fighting the daily battles against humanity!"
I pray the punisher punishes them to the highest degree, and they realize, you never come against our moral beliefs of humanity. "We will always defend humanity!"


P. Kelley

The Dark Truth

How many times are we going to deny the truth?
If we remain silent we won't have any youths.
The Darkside of the world wants your children before their youth.
They can get more money for their organs and adrenaline if they snatch them before their youth.
It's a dark truth.
Our country's losing their youth.
And it isn't just our country losing their youth.
And there are people in high places that hide the truth.
Because of their addiction to adrenochrome to keep their youth.
It's a dark truth.


P. Kelley

I'm Inked

I am so irked.
I've decided not to wear pink.
My mind right now feels so overworked.
I've decided to store my pink.
and wear red.
I'm inked.
I'm inked right now at this time in history.
To help unravel the injustices in American history.
It's no mystery.
They're trying to rewrite history.
Destroy history!

P. Kelley

Monday, June 15, 2020

Recipe: Heavenly America

Make some fun summer Patriotic desserts.  Teach your children American History.
Heavenly America
8 Egg Whites whipped stiff
1 Cup of Sugar 
Put all the hatred aside.
Beat with love, 1 Qt of heavy whipping cream.
Add 1/2 cup of sugar and chopped strawberries.
Fold love together and fill the crust.

For the crust 1 pkg Honey Maid Crackers crumbled
1 stick of melted butter
1 cup of crushed nuts.
Mix together and fill

Chill and freeze for 6 to 8 hours.

Hollywood and Adrenochrome Movie 1


Raise the Volume Up

It's time to raise and turn up the volume and change the frequency.
Are you listening to the God frequency?
The world's frequency will bring you to your knees.
There's so much negativity and violence in the world's frequency.
We all need to take a break and listen to the God frequency.
And realize some times it's time to turn it over to God!
You need to realize children of light stay tuned into the God frequency.
It's the only frequency at this time in history that's revealed in the God frequency.
Know this children of light, we are of a different frequency.
We come from a higher frequency.
We're a truth-telling freguency.
It's time to raise the volume up!

P. Kelley

Saturday, June 13, 2020

If They Take a Knee Before the Game, Give their Checks to Charity

I have a perfect solution for those that won't stand up for the National Anthem before a game, give their checks to charity.
You need to hit their prosperity.
If they're too good to stand up for the National Anthem, they're making a statement of severity.
Not realizing their decreasing their popularity.
And it affects the whole team into disparity.
Hit them where it hurts, they're prosperity.

P. Kelley


George Soros Playing the Giant

If you need to lose some quick weight watch a few riots on tv, and think about the Coronavirus.
It's sure to make you reach your diets.
But if you're like me, it doesn't invoke silence.
It makes me  pray for leadership guidance.
I really can't sit back and remain silent.
I can see and hear all the red flags and hear the sirens.
And I'm wondering who in the earth is the tyrant?
Is George Soros playing the giant?
It's getting really old seeing the same giant.
Doesn't anyone have a rock for the giant?
Fall Giant!

P. Kelley

Friday, June 12, 2020

Returning Home from War

It’s a mother’s long-awaited prayer.
One of the most emotional things in life is to see a Servicemen returning back to their family.
Seeing their family’s reaction,
Becomes an American time of celebration,
It’s a return of salvation.
It’s a mother’s long-awaited prayer.
It’s a breath of freedom in the air.
It’s their true presence really there.
It’s proof that life is sometimes fair.
It’s a walk back into the past.
It’s a walk into their presence that lasts.
It’s an eager father holding his child for the first time.
It’s a long tiring journey climbed.
It’s a child’s sudden loud yelp of joy when she sees her dad.
It’s a mother ecstatically crying when she sees her lad.
It’s a girlfriend’s long-awaited embrace.
It’s a boyfriend’s win of a long-distance race.
It’s a release of joy suspended when a child sees their mom.
It’s the long-awaited return of an uncle, son, brother, father, daughter, or mother.
It’s a release of direct calmness,
When a dad see his little daughter,
It’s a walk into their presence that lasts.it lasts.
It’s a special time when all time stops.
It’s the return of an American Servicemen returning home from Active Duty.

P. Kelley

When Is a Hero Born?

What makes a child know?
That they want to grow up to be an American Hero,
Is it because they looked up to a superhero?
When they were little,
While eating their fruit-flavored Skittles,
I really want to know.
How they know.
Is it because they want to follow their dad’s feet,
That one day they manage their own naval fleet.
Or their own strong mighty men or women,
What is it that makes a boy grow-up to be a real Superhero?
Or a little girl a Superhero,
Is it predestined from the age of zero?
Is it the food they eat?
Eating a lot of green vegetables,
Eating a lot of different strong meats,
Or is it because they’re just excellent?
Or intelligent,
Is it because of their strict regimen?
Is it because they were always neat?
Is it because they’re quick to their feet?
Or a heart that’s just so sweet.
Tell me, when is a Superhero born?
Semper Fi

P. Kelley

He's a United States Sailor

United States Sailor
He’s a United States Sailor
He’s sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
He represents the fighting spirit of the Navy.
He’s a part of a Naval Combat team of the Red, White, and Blue.
His commitment to his country never gets wavy.
He serves his country with Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
Without showing any resentment,
He could be on any American Ship, Aircraft Carrier, or Submarine.
His fighting blood comes from his genetic genes.
He’s a warrior at heart when it comes to defending what’s right.
And if necessary he’ll fight through the night.
Without sleep,
It’s a cost for America’s Freedom that he’s ready to pay.
So, you, an American can stay safe every day.
When you see a Naval Ship firing it’s quite a sight.
Their bright explosives light up the skies,
As if a 4th of July celebration,
It’s an aim for Freedom’s Constitution.
It’s a love for their country, fellow countrymen and women.
It’s an aim for America’s true Freedom.
It’s for the future of American Children.
It’s the United States Sailor’s true honor and devotion.

P. Kelley

He's the United State's Airman

He's the United States, American Airman
A proud member of the United States Air force
He’s part of an elite team of warriors.
Dropped by parachute from aircraft carriers,
Into hostile enemy territory,
His mission is to fly, fight, and win.
And too never leave his Wingman behind.
He’s the Guardian of Freedom and Justice.
His mission is to capture or kill the enemy.
When he comes in contact with the enemy,
It’s a sight to be seen.
Whether it’s in the air, or on the ground,
The enemy feels the vibrating surround sound.
Of firing artillery,
His arsenal of power,
That lights the gray night skies.
It soon becomes an American Airman’s victory.
Being a part of a team of warriors that never-give-up.
No matter what he faces.
He races to win.
Taking the enemy by force,
He’s the proud American Airman living by their Creed.

P. Kelley

The America Working Dog

The American Working Dog
He or she may seem like just an ordinary dog.
But this dog can smell a grenade in the smog.
This is a trained American Working Dog.
Trained to smell the enemy’s weaponry,
His sniffing skills are sharp.
He’s very wise.
He can smell a buried detonation cord.
Whether it be above or down below,
He starts digging with the command of one word.
Or sign,
It’s in his bloodline.
His skills are sharp.
He knows the command verb.
He knows when to bark.
And when to be quiet,
He can move in complete silence.
He readily moves.
He’s taught guidance.
Smelling all,
Seeing all,
Ready to attack the enemy,
Whether it be, an explosive or the enemy,
The American Working Dog
In the military, he or she is a soldier’s best friend.
That moves with one instant command.
Byword or motion,
This American Working dog’s heart is pure devotion.
The American Working Dog!

P. Kelley

Never Give up on Love