1643 Virginia Law on slavery
And the established terms of servitude for servants brought into the colony without indentures.
For the ages, 29 must serve 4 years.
For the ages, 12-20 must serve 5 years.
For the ages, 12 and under must serve 7 years.
1654 Maryland carried a similar law.
1655 Virginia Law amended.
Irish to serve longer than the English.
For the ages, 16 must serve 6 years.
For the ages, 16 and under, must serve until you reach the age of 24.
1659 the English Law authorizes kidnapping
It may be unlawful for two or more justices of the peace within any country, city, or town corporate belonging to this commonwealth to from time to time by warrant. Cause to be apprehended, seized on, and detained all and every person or persons that shall be found begging and vagrant. In any town, parish or place to be conveyed into the port of London, or unto any other port from where such person or persons may be shipped into any foreign country, colonies, or plantation. This was the English's way of turning kidnapping into slavery.
British History
Sept. 6, 1653
Order of the Council of State. Upon petition of David Selleck, of Boston, New England, merchant, for a license for the Good Fellow, of Boston, Geo. Dalle, master, and Providence, of London, Thos. Swanley, master, to pass to New England and Virginia, where they intend to carry 400 Irish children, directing a warrant be granted, provided security is given to sail to Ireland, and within two months, to take in 400 Irish children, and transport them to those plantations.
Oct. 3
Orders of the Council of State. Directing Commissioners of the Admiralty to provide the particulars, according to an appended list, for the use of the officers and people at Jamaica; and that for advice boats be built to go there in the most expeditious manner, 1000 Irish girls, and the like number of youths, of 14 years or under, to be sent to Jamaica; the allowance to each not to exceed 20s, to be considered by the Committee for Jamaica. 150/. a year to be settled upon Elizabeth, widow of Major General Hayne slain in the late expedition to America. Petition of John Jeffrey of London, merchant, on behalf of Col. Richard Lee, of Virginia, and Colonel Lee's affidavit concerning the seizure of a quantity of his plate to be referred to Commissioners of Customs.
Slaves were taxable
90% of the children in the 1600's were White
1701-1710 45% of Slaves White
52% African
1711-1720 33% Slaves White
67% Slaves African and Native American Indian Children
P/ Kelley
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