Friday, June 12, 2020

The Fable About Ole Mable

The fable about Ole Mable
Once upon a time, there was a woman named Mable.
She worked in the horse stable.
This is an old fable.
About old Mable,
She not only worked the stable,
But she knew how to shoot a Smith and Wesson gun.
Now, there was this drunken old fellow that fell into the stable, with Mable.
He tried to grab Mable, and she quickly reached for her gun.
Well, she shot the old feller in places I'd better not mention.
Let's just say, he felt eternity's detention.
It wasn't Heaven.
He lost his lucky seven.
He should have never messed with, quick gun Mable.
Now Mable had the label.
Of being unstable,
Until a posse came searching for the deranged fellow,
Their faces turned yellow.
Then, they heard about quick gun Mable.
Taking down the most notorious outlaw,
They fell by the chair, hitting the table.
And soon as Mable figured out, they weren't no, posse.
They all found out Mable wasn't a fable

P. Kelley

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